6、Natural herbal treatments for habitual abortion
6、Natural herbal treatments for habitual abortion
Mo Shuzhen infertility specialist 2012-01-06 20:10:43

Definition of habitual abortion: 3 times or more than 3 times of natural abortion in succession is known as habitual abortion. Its cause is very complex, involving heredity, immune problems, infection, uterine lesions, and endocrine disorders. The incidence is accounted for 2% of normal pregnancy.
    Immune factors: ABO hemolysis. During pregnancy, the immune reaction because of the disharmony between mother and fetus can cause fetal intrauterine involvement, producing abortion, stillbirth, and neonatal diseases. When the mother’s blood type is O, the father’s blood type is of others, it is easy to cause fetal hemolytic reaction, resulting in suspending embryo growth or abortion.
     Chromosome factors: chromosome abnormality, loss, and shift can also lead to repetitive abortion.
     Infection factors: toxoplasma, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasma infections, etc. In addition to causing abortion, premature delivery or stillbirth, such infections can also impact the fetus and neonatus significantly, leading to a variety of deformities and feeblemindedness, thus affecting the quality of the population.
     Uterine factors: congenital uterine dysplasia, such as uterus unicornis, uterus bicornis, uterus duplex, mediastinum uterine, etc. They can lead to nidation anomaly, affecting the placenta and fetal development to cause abortion.
     Uterine cavity adhesion and uterine fibroids can cause changes of intrauterine environment, influencing fertilized egg implantation, thus to induce abortion.
    Typical cases:
     Ms. Li, 28, working as a teacher of Beijing Workers’ Medical School, married for 5 years without kids, had natural abortion 4 times. Many hospitals tried to give her treatment to prevent miscarriages but failed. Every time the bleeding would begin from the 22nd day of pregnancy and abortion happen on the 40th to 50th days. The couple was very suffering. Li was diagnosed secondary infertility for more than 1 year already when they came to our hospital. After she was treated with herbal medicines for one month she was pregnant. The treatment for preventing abortion was applied from the 22nd day of pregnancy. She had B-ultrasonic examination in the 3rd month of pregnancy and found that the fetus was in normal development. The western medicine gynaecological doctor was surprised and asked: “Ah! How can you protect the fetus alive this time!”
     A patient of Dunhuang Gansu had natural abortion 8 times. After she brought medicine from our hospital for treatment, she gave birth to a son. The grandfather of the boy called me and said: “Dr. Mo, thank you very much. My grandson is very cute!”  
   A 42-year-old Chinese American from the United States came home especially for treatment. She had 5 times of natural abortion. She said, in the United States, there are no drugs for controlling abortion, doctors always say that’s natural selection. “One time natural selection, it can be accepted, two times natural selection, it can be endured, if, ten times eight times, what is the doctor’s duty?” said I, “It is to change a bad thing to a good thing.” She brought medicine home for treatment, and later she gave birth to a healthy twin daughters. Her family was extremely grateful and called me and said many thanks to me.

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