Mystery of female infertility(2) From Ye Xin’s "Xiangxi Prodigy Lady Mo Shu-zhen"
Mystery of female infertility(2) From Ye Xin’s "Xiangxi Prodigy Lady Mo Shu-zhen"

   Many couples left with despair in their eyes and a heavy burden in mind. It imprinted deeply in Mo Shuzhen’s heart. She was anxious about it. “If I opened an infertility clinic, but more than half of patients’ diseases I couldn’t cure, what a sad thing it is!” There were many miserable patients again leaving with despair. Some patients firmly stayed, they said: "Dr. Mo, we went around all over the country, your place is the last station, you took us for experiments, it doesn't matter you cure us or not." Listening to the patient's words from the bottom of their hearts, Mo Shuzhen felt that her duty was great and heavy.。揭开女性不孕之谜 <wbr>(2) <wbr> <wbr>摘自叶辛《湘西奇女莫淑珍》

Oviduct is a pair of small pipes in woman's body, 8~14cm in length, without rich blood circulation, so the application of antibiotic treatment for oviduct inflammatory blocking is generally not effective. Therefore, in western medicine the doctor treats it with uterine cavity perfusion therapy, namely, the antibiotics is injected directly into the uterus. The mild case of tubal blockage could be cured, but the patient suffers from pain a lotand the success rate is low.

According to the individual condition of the patients, salpingoplasty is some times applied in western medicine. This procedure could make the fallopian tube patency recovered, but cannot restore the function of the fallopian tubes. Later, the bacteria within the fallopian tube grows, resulting in inflammation, causing oviduct obstruction again. As a result, western medicine treats fallopian tube obstruction without good curative effect.

Due to environmental pollution and iatrogenic infection, more and more patients have tubal blockage, western medicine has no way in the treatment for itthus a worldwide difficult problem is formed.

TCM holds that salpingitis is caused by disturbance of qi and blood circulation. The chronic salpingitis is usually long in course, caused by the kidney deficiency and liver stagnation, damp heat retention, and qi and blood stasis. Thus, the root cause of infertility is deficiency, stagnation, and stasis. Mo Shuzhen selected more than 20 kinds of herbs functioning to clear heat, activate blood circulation, and soften the masses for the treatment of fallopian tube obstruction. With careful application and repeated observation, she treated this worldwide medical difficulty very successfully. 

A couple from Dayong city came for treatment. The wife was a native of Jiangxi and she was extremely skinny. When she was 20 years old, she was raped. She got pregnancy after that and gave birth to a girl. To cover up her psychic trauma, she left her hometown and came to Dayong. She married a driver. But five years past she was unable to be pregnant. She felt deeply sorry for her husband. She came to ask Dr. Mo Shuzhen for help. Mo Shuzhen treated her with 14 doses of herbal medicines. One month later, her fallopian tube became unobstructed. The couple was deeply removed and they brought some medicines home for further treatment.

A patient with tuberculous salpingitis took medicine for a month and she was pregnant successfully.

Many patients with salpingitis were successfully cured with treatment of one to six months medication. They were excited and told the good news to every one. Yuanling Andropathy Hospital is located not far from the Luxi County Hospital. Of the nine couples of tubal blockage coming especially for treatment, eight couples were cured. They rapturously acclaimed: "Long live Mo Shuzhen!"

One worker came from Hubei province, 49 years old, married for thirty years without pregnancy. She adopted a child. Later her adopted child went back to his own family. This gave her a great shockShe came to Mo Shuzhen’s clinic for treatment. One month treatment with 14 doses of herbal medicines made her cured with success in pregnancy.

In Gong 'an county of Hubei province, more than 10 infertile couples were successfully cured. They said: "Your name in our county is widely known, the county magistrate knows it well."

In Guchang county of Hunan province, a couple married for five years without pregnancy. The wife was a patient of tubal obstructionMo Shuzhen treated her with herbal medicines. She wrote a letter for expressing thanks to Dr. Mo:

揭开女性不孕之谜 <wbr>(2) <wbr> <wbr>摘自叶辛《湘西奇女莫淑珍》

In Gong 'an county of Hubei province, more than 10 infertile couples were successfully cured. They said: "Your name in our county is widely known, the county magistrate knows it well."
   In Guchang county of Hunan province, a couple married for five years without pregnancy. The wife was a patient of tubal obstruction. Mo Shuzhen treated her with herbal medicines. She wrote a letter for expressing thanks to Dr. Mo:


  Dear Dr. Mo, we married five years but without getting children. We felt we lived in a cold world, we felt there is no future for us. We had treatment in many hospitals and from many doctors, broken the bank. At last we came to you. Your medicines only 21 doses cured us, and I have been pregnant now. Our lovely baby will be born, it is because of you who bring us a beautiful tomorrow to us.”
   We will thank you forever!
   As a doctor, your the biggest wish is to let your patients cured from infertility. You are very young, but you have amazing creation, you will be taking the first seat in the field of the treatment of infertility. Let all infertile women in the world achieve what they want.
   Dr. Mo, even use forest as pens, use sea water as ink, we could hardly write your great kindness.
   We’ll send our family photo to you — Songzi Guanyin when our baby is one hundred days old.

       In Luxi county, a 35-year-old woman, got married 8 years without pregnancy. In April 1990, when she came to see Dr. Mo, she said with a heavy heart: "Dr. Mo, I am living in the dark days with no child. The life for me is nothing interesting.”
   Mo Shuzhen carefully inquired of her medical history. Her menstruation was normal. Her fallopian tube was obstructed. At that time, Mo Shuzhen just broke through the difficulty in treatment of fallopian tube obstruction, therefore, she was very confident. But the patient said: "My husband also has problems of sexual dysfunction.” Mo Shuzhen said: " I didn’t study on andropathy. Let’s treat your fallopian tube problems first."
   After medication for one month, the patient come back and told Dr. Mo: “Originally I had lower abdominal pain. After taking your medicine, it is stopped.” Mo Shuzhen said: "That is the relief of tubal inflammation. You need to continue the treatment."
   Three months treatment was applied again. The patient told Dr. Mo that she was pregnant. After her son was born, she invited Dr. Mo to go to her home for visit. At her home, Dr. Mo saw that the whole family of this patient was very cheerful about the coming of the baby.
   A farmer woman from Baisha village, 28 years old, got married for 6 years but without pregnancy. Her husband had abnormal sperm, the survival rate of sperm was about 30%. The woman had bilateral fallopian tube obstruction. The couple said: "Dr. Mo, what can we do? Both of us have problems." Mo Shuzhen said: "We treat the wife’s tubal obstruction first."
   After treatment for 4 months (14 doses for one month), the woman was pregnant. In August 1991 in the County Hospital she gave birth to a boy. The couple often took the child to Mo Shuzhen’s office. The boy was strong and in good health. Dr. Mo Shuzhen often thought: so weak sperm, how can the boy be so strong? The magic function of Chinese herbal medicine is really incredible!
   One day, some patients from Yuanling Andropathy Hospital came to report a good news: "Dr. Mo, that man had a total of only a few sperms, you treated his wife only, she was pregnant now." That's strange repeatedly!
   In those years, people in the countryside ate cottonseed oil often. The cottonseed oil could kill the sperm, causing azoospermia to men, and then male infertility. Many peasant couples spent too much money for the treatment.
   The Andropathy Hospital treated azoospermia, if it was ineffective, artificial insemination would be eventually applied. In this case, the wife had to accept the sperm of another man to help her pregnancy. Even so, artificial insemination was usually not successful within three to six months. At this moment, they would think of Mo Shuzhen in the Luxi County Hospital. Patients said: “So-and-so had artificial insemination for six months but not effective. Your medicine only several doses were really good in effect, she is pregnant.”
   Very often, firecrackers were set off in front of Mo Shuzhen’s clinic. That was the patient coming for expressing thanks to Dr. Mo. The colleagues would say: "Go to Dr. Mo’s place for eating joyful candy. The patient came to tell good news again."
    At that time, Mo Shuzhen herself didn't know how famous she was. One day, a distant relative came and told her: “A rural high school principal told her: ‘You also know Mo Shuzhen? You should bring me to meet her.’” When this high school principal attended a meeting in the education bureau of the county in the town and he wanted to take the chance to see Dr. Mo. Mo Shuzhen was touched in the heart, but she thought that she herself was so dark and so thin, not beautiful, was not worth to look at.

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